
As custodians of our investors capital RM Funds are fully committed to investing responsibly.

RM seek to minimise their own operation footprint and in 2022 commissioned a study on the firms carbon footprint. This can be found here RM Funds Be Zero 22 Operation Carbon Footprint Report.  RM wishes to better understand their carbon intensity and develop carbon mitigation and offsetting strategies over the next two years.

We recognise that investments can have a direct impact on society and the planet and with this comes a responsibility to positively allocate capital to companies who act to avoid harm, benefit stakeholders or contribute to solutions.

Our philosophy is to give investors visibility over the impact of our investments and to endeavour to report on progress. RM seeks to actively and productively engage with investee companies to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.

Wherever possible RM seeks to identify investments beneficial for contributing towards defined Sustainable Development Goal “SDG” outcomes.

RM are fully committed to the Financial Reporting Councils Stewardship Code and RM are proud to publicly support the Paris Agreement and Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures “TCFD”. The 2021 PRI Scorecard can be reviewed 2021 Assessment Report for RM Funds (1).

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