RM Funds focuses on real asset investments within public and private markets.

The team have a 360-degree perspective with expertise investing across the capital structure.

Our focus is on responsible investing throughout our investment process, and within our private market investments RM has pioneered an Impact Measurement and Management framework which will allow for sustainable investing and a robust reporting framework for investors.

SVS RM Defensive Capital Fund (RMDCF)

SVS RM Defensive Capital Fund (DCF) is a unique, actively-managed alternative multi-asset fund with a strong track record. It aims to deliver lower volatility returns with the potential for equity growth, suitable for low-risk investors.

VT RM Alternative Income (RMAI)

Diversified liquid portfolio of globally listed securities offering investors exposure to real asset investments delivering attractive and stable income returns. Thematic investments across infrastructure, specialist real estate and secured real assets.

Accumulation units


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RM Infrastructure Income Plc (RMII)

(Formerly known as RM Secured Direct Lending Plc)

Targeting income returns from private credit investing within Social & Environmental Infrastructure opportunities. Seeking to deliver triple bottom line benefits, with economic returns to investors combined with social & environmental impact for people & planet. Fund structure listed on London Stock Exchange “LSE”.

Live share price


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SVS RM Infrastructure Bond Fund (RMIBF)

Diversified portfolio of public bonds offering investors exposure to the infrastructure asset class split across regulated infrastructure, social infrastructure and economic infrastructure.

Our Investment Expertise

RM Funds manage a range of income and total return strategies, investing in public and private debt and equity including real assets such as infrastructure and real estate.

Our Team

With 150 years combined experience, RM Funds boasts a multi-disciplined, skilled and knowledgeable investment team.


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